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Education & Work Experience

Benjamin is a website developer and social media enthusiast who loves to travel and discover new places. He is fond of taking up new ideas and sharing his love and passion for the world to see. His future aspirations would be to work with a web developer company and also run his own travel websites.


The following are my Skills, Education and Work Experience. You could also download the CV from the following button.




Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe After Effects

SEO Optimisation







Education and Training

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Interactive Media


07/10/2019 – Current


MCAST Creative Arts, Mosta

Level: EQF level 6

Units covered during the first year:

  • Digital Media In Visual Arts

  • Interactive Editorial Design

  • Visual Communication

  • Contextual Studies in Interactive Media

  • Multi-Disciplinary Story Telling & Narratives

  • Critical Thinking

  • English

  • New Media, Culture and Technologies

  • Introduction to User Interface & User Experience Design

  • Introduction to Web Development


Units covered during the second year:

  • Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Skills

  • User Interface Design for Games

  • Critical Thinking

  • PHP & Databases

  • Animation for Communication

  • Compositing and Animation

  • Critical Studies & Research Methods

  • Design for Digital Application

  • Character Design

  • Drawing

  • App Development for Mobile Devices

  • Entrepreneurship

  • English


Units covered during the third year:

  • 2D Animation

  • PHP and Databases 2

  • Sound & Image

  • Interactive Object Design

  • Law & Ethics

  • Open Project

  • Personal Style and Self-Promotion

  • Production Modelling

Advanced Diploma in Multimedia Software Development


02/10/2017 – 06/06/2019


MCAST Information and Technology Institute, Paola

Level: EQF Level 4


Subjects covered during first year:

  • Operating Systems

  • Computer Systems

  • Database Concepts and Design

  • Fundamentals of Scripting

  • Website Design

  • Embedded Systems

  • Relational Databases

  • Introduction to Multimedia Design

  • English

  • Maths


Second Year Subjects Covered:

  • Programming Concepts

  • Introduction to Mobile Applications

  • Programming for Computer Games

  • Design Theory

  • Entrepreneurship

  • Digital Visual Effects

  • Critical Thinking

  • Graphic Design

  • Interactive Animation

  • Project

ISTQB/BCS Tester Foundation Course


27/09/2018 – 30/09/2018

Agilis I.T. Business Solutions

18+ Individual Study Programme


07/10/2016 – 25/04/2017


Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary School, Naxxar

National classification: Matriculation Certificate (MC)​


Advanced Level:

  • Pure Mathematics

Matriculation Certificate


07/10/2014 – 04/03/2016


Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary School, Naxxar

National classification: Matriculation Certificate (MC)


Advanced Level Qualifications:

  • Computer Studies


Intermediate Level Qualifications:

  • English

  • Marketing

  • Systems of Knowledge


Subjects covered during the course:

  • Advanced Level:

    • Pure Mathematics

    • Computer Studies

    • Intermediate Level:

    • English

    • Physics

    • Marketing

    • Systems of Knowledge

School Leaving Certificate


27/09/2003 – 04/04/2014


Stella Maris College, Gzira

  • Ordinary Level Qualifications:

    • Maths

  • English Language and Literature

    • Maltese

    • Computer Studies

    • Design and Technology

    • Food & Textiles

    • Physics

    • Religion


  • Other Subjects:

    • Science

    • Social Studies

    • Religion

    • ICT

    • PSD

    • French

    • Art

    • Physical Education

Certificate in Piano


01/01/2009 – 31/12/2012

The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, London, United Kingdom


Level: EQF level 2


Main subject / occupational skills covered:

  • Certificates in Practical

  • Prep Test

    • Grade 1 - Merit

    • Grade 2 - Passed

    • Grade 3 - Passed

  • Certificate in Theory

    • Grade 1 - Passed

    • Grade 2 - Merit

    • Grade 3 - Merit

Performing Arts


01/10/2006 – 30/06/2009


Masquerade Theatre Arts School, Msida

Level: EQF level 2


Main subject / occupational skills covered:

Masquerade included dancing, singing and acting


  • ​Musical Theatre (Groups) – Trinity College London

    • Grade 2

  • ​Performance Arts (Groups)

    • Grade 2

Work Experience

Customer Support


15/11/2021 – Current


Think Malta, Imriehel, Malta

I mainly follow up tickets from the clients which involves updating their websites with content and solve problems they might have. I use WordPress, HTML and CSS.

Digital Game Tester


09/06/2018 – 31/05/2021


Soloros Limited, Malta

During my experience with this company, my role was to test casino games on bartop devices and check for any errors and improvements within the games. Also writing reports to detail findings and errors.



09/07/2017 – 03/09/2019


Creative Energy, Pembroke

The children where aged from 5 to 8 years.



  • Sports and water games

  • Arts and Crafts

  • Drama

  • Music

  • Pottery

  • Cooking

  • Outings



15/07/2015 – 02/09/2016


Bosco Summer School Salesjani, Sliema

I was a leader and was involved with children ages 6 - 12 years old. My tasks involved crafts, sports, singing and performance arts. Also helping in the games, sports and crafts.



15/07/2013 – 31/07/2014


Bosco Summer School Salesjani, Sliema

I was a pre-leader and helped the group leaders with the children ages between 5 - 10 years old. I was involved in some of the activities which were arts and crafts, singing, acting and sports.​

Website Created by Benjamin Magro © 2022

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