Virtual Travel
About The Project
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Virtual Travel is a different way of seeing a place either before actually travelling there or making it your own way of travelling. This website is based on giving the visitor a feel of virtual travel with 360-degree photography. Apart from that, every landmark always has its history, so I decided to include old snapshots of all the landmarks dating back to the oldest I found.
How did I take the 360-degree photos?
The 360-degree photography was created using an application called Google camera on a mobile phone.
The steps involved in taking these photos started by choosing the locations which I want to take photos of. When taking such photos, I had to be aware of the surroundings as since it is a 360-degree photo, all that is around me will show in the photo. After that, using my phone I open the application and start capturing. To capture the 360-degree photo I have to stand on one spot and move in a circular motion to that the photo. On the application it guides you to get the best outcome possible. To capture the photo, I took many individual photo in order to capture one 360-degree photo.
Unfortunately it wasn't easy to take all the photos as in some locations it was hard to find a good spot where there will not be any distractions. I wanted to capture the 360-degree photos in a way that will reflect the old photos put on the page meaning that the angle of the 360-degree photo will be similar to that of the old photos.